Distance Learning Program.



Vast number of courses.


Admission submitted online.



Campus News

  • Rector’s Message

    Welcome to Mustaqbal University, a private, non-profit higher education institution established in 2013 under the Ministry of Higher Education and Culture of Somalia, and one of the country's premier private institutions, known for its high-quality education both domestically and globally. In specialized academic disciplines such as science and the arts,...
  • Jaamacadda Mustaqbal oo dooratay Rector cusub

    Waxaan hambalyo iyo bogaadin lawadaageynaa Dr. Abukar H. Abdi oo oo loo doortay Rector-ka Jaamacadda. Dr-ka waxaa loogu doortay xilkani muhiimka ahi howlkartimadiisa iyo hufnaantiisa, taasi oo kusoo beegmeysaa xilli Jaamacaddu hiigsaneyso isbadal & horumar, waxaane Allah kaga baryeynaa inuu xilkiisa ufududeeyo xilkaasi weyn ee loo egmaday.
  • Mustaqbal University, the only PBL adopted university in Somalia

    Mustaqbal University in Somalia has become the first university in the country which fully adopted the problem-based learning approach. The PBL was recognized to allow learners to develop a long-term knowledge retention by using diverse instructional media and continuous engagements to transfer the intended and interpersonal skills.

    Pediatric Triage-Course Handout
  • Universal Precautions for Mustaqbal University Students

  • Mustaqbal University Academic Calendar 2019

    MUSTAQBAL UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC CALENDER, 2019[amoteam max="50" categories="" item-width="250" item-margin="20" full-width="yes" panel="right"]

    Background Mustaqbal University is an internationally recognized university that has adapted new paradigm shift of higher education in this digital age.  It offers practical-based academic programs in which students are given a full chance in dealing with the real world. For many years of serving its community, Mustaqbal University has been...

    BASIC NUTRITION SERVICE PACKAGE (BNSP) TRAINING  INTRODUCTION Malnutrition is still a major public health problem in developing countries. It is associated with as much as 50–60% of under-five mortality in poor countries and a myriad of morbidities. Therefore, the best way to deal with malnutrition is to prevent or correct immediately through...
  • Ma dooneysaa inaad Cilmiga Umulisanimada oo taye leh ku barato waqti kooban??

    Madooneysaa inaad Cilmiga Umulisanimada oo taye leh ku barato waqti kooban, ma dooneysaa inaad Practical buuxo ku qaadato Cusbitaalka SOS ee magaalada Muqdishu? Ma dooneysaa inaad noqoto umuliso buuxdo? Haddaba hadey jawaabtaadu haa tahay deg-deg ugaar Jaamacadda Mustaqbal oo kuu diyaarisay koorsooyin lagu baranayo cilmiga umulisanimada oo ka kooban bilow, dhexdhexaad...
  • Admission Progress of DLP Courses

    Dhammaan umadda Soomaaliyeed oo waxbarashada jecel oo ku kala nool daafaha caalamka waxaa la ogeysiinayaa in koorsooyinka aqoon dirsiga ee Jaamacadda Mustaqbal ku dhowyihiin iney buuxsamaan sida uu muujinayo jaantuska hoos ku yaal. Hadaba waxaa la xasuusinayaa ardaydii soo codsatay prograam-yada kala duwan ee hoos ku xusan laakiin aanan weli...

    Ardada Jaamacadda Mustaqbal oo practical kuqaadanayay bisha February cusbitaalada waa weyn eedalka oo ugu horeeyo Cusbitaalka hooyada iyo dhallaanka ee SOS iyo xarumaha caafimaadka ee dallka ayaa maanta dib usoo fariistay fasal sida uu sheegayo Calander-ka waxbarashada ee Jaamacadda. Ardadaan oo isugu jiro Nurses, Midwives, Lab technicians, Nutritionists, Medicine, Public...
  • Academic Calendar 2018

    MU ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2018 Dhammaan howlwadeenada Jaamacadda Mustaqbal waxey dhaqangelinayaan calendar-kani, ardadada waxaa la ogeysiinayaa iney had iyo jeer ku xernaadaan si ey ula socdaan dhacdooyinka qorsheysan ee Jaamacadda.

    [amoteam_skills title="Your Title"] [amoteam_skill title="Photoshop" percent="92"] [amoteam_skill title="HTML" percent="85"] [amoteam_skill title="CSS" percent="90"] [/amoteam_skills] Jaamacadda Mustaqbal ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ka mid noqotay jaamacadaha ugu magaca dheer jaamacadaha dalka Soomaaliya kadib markii ey kubiirtay Jaamacadaha wadamada Islaamka. Jaamacadda ayaa la gudoonsiiyay abaalmarinta sare ee uu bixiyo ururkaasi waxaana aad loogu amaanay doorkeeda ku aadan sare uqaadida...

    Jaamacadda Mustaqbal ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ka mid noqotay jaamacadaha ugu magaca dheer jaamacadaha dalka Soomaaliya kadib markii ey kubiirtay Jaamacadaha wadamada Islaamka. Jaamacadda ayaa la gudoonsiiyay abaalmarinta sare ee uu bixiyo ururkaasi waxaana aad loogu amaanay doorkeeda ku aadan sare uqaadida waxbarashada cilmiga caafimaadka ee geeska Africa. Waxaa sidoo...
  • Announcement for Final Examination

    To all students of Mustaqbal University, This is to inform you that MU final exams are scheduled to start on 15th January and run till 23th January 2018. Students are reminded to study hard to be well-prepared for the coming exam. As usual, student who scores the highest marks will be...
  • Enroll for units in time.

    Before enrolling for units, kindly clear with the finance department.Then book for the units. Thank you.
  • Mustaqbal University Finance Department

    Mustaqbal University has standard financial management system that uses a methodology and software  which oversees and governs its income, expenses, and assets with the objectives of maximizing and ensuring its sustainability. This system enables the University students to pay their fees and other tuition cost affordably.
  • Admissions Starting Soon… Apply Today!

    Yes it's almost time to start enrolling new students. Don't miss this opportunity. Apply now and secure a better future for you and your family. We have a wide range of course to choose from in various fields of expertise. Please feel free to stop by, call or email us...
  • A Pioneer Non-profit Private University MU

      Mustaqbal University - A pioneer in the non-profit world. Mustaqbal University (MU) a pioneer none profit private university registered with the Ministry of Education of Somalia started in 2012 by dynamic young Somali professionals from various backgrounds to contribute towards socioeconomic development of the nation through innovation and research. MU was...
Your career
Medicine & Surgery 50%
Business & Accountancy 50%
Computer Science 50%
Economics & Social science 50%